About Us
GreenLaserModules.com is a business to business and consumer retail site, marketing laser module products designed and developed for a wide variety of industrial, military and consumer applications.
Z-Bolt®, a Beam of Light Technologies, Inc. corporate brand, manufactures and sells low cost green laser systems AND designs custom devices for the US Military; Federal Law Enforcement,: State and Municipal Police Departments; and Allied Militaries worldwide. Also briefing and presentation pointers for the Military, Academia, Federal and State Governments.
Z-Bolt® Green Lasers were first deployed for non-lethal "escalation of force" at the outset of Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003). Development efforts since have centered on the often weekly battlefield reports and recommendations from forward deployed units in Iraq, Afghanistan, Northern Syria, Kosovo. Z-Bolt® has continued to modify, improve, design and manufacture a reliable low cost product which has saved lives. Trip wire detectors for EOD; portable IR lasers for rotary wing aircraft communication. Our laser modules are designed and manufactured to exacting standards that the United States Dept. of Defense demands.
Custom Module Design
Whatever the demands of your particular project, whether technically complex or extremely time sensitive - give us a call. Z-Bolt® works closely with your technical staff to design and manufacture an OEM module with the quality and capabilities needed, to your exact technical specifications, on time, and at the quantities required.
Design Services
- Module Sizes (Diameter & Length)
- Pulse Modulations
- PCB Circuitry Design
- Power Connectors - Wire Lengths or Springs
- Operating Temperature Ranges
- Beam Deviation (in relation to outside casing)
Development costs will be associated with first engineering samples for client review. All price quotes and project scheduling agreed upon before implementation of module design and manufacturing. We look forward to working with you!
Technical Questions?
Please contact us to discuss your OEM project:
John Mueller
Beam of Light Technologies, Inc.