12mm High Power Green Laser Module

FDA Safety Class IIIb, ANSI Class 3B, Power Meter Reports

50, 75 & 100 mW Power Outputs

Z-Bolt® Class IIIb green laser modules are perfect for OEM, lab experiments, professional use. All modules same length and diameter (12 mm); 100 mm pigtail leads; compatible with HS-1a heat sinks for extended length operation. Each and every Z-Bolt® Class IIIb green laser module ships with laser dimension schematics - length, diameter, designation of + (red) and - (black) leads. Also laser power meter report that includes minimum, maximum and mean power output; power output stability; duration, date and time of testing data.

DPSS-50 Green Laser Diode Assembly

DPSS-75 Green Laser Diode Assembly

DPSS-100 Green Laser Diode Assembly

Heat Sinks & Cooling Fans

Add an HS-1a Heat Sink and Cooling Fan for extended length operation. Manufactured exclusively for the Z-Bolt®12 mm DPSS green laser module units. These accessories help cool and regulate power output stability during extended length operation.

HS-1a Heat Sinks constructed of aircraft grade aluminum & include adjustment screws to fasten and properly secure module. HS-FAN Cooling Fans designed to mount securely on HS-1a Heat Sink

Special Aspheric Lenses

Aspheric lenses are any lenses whose surface angles and profiles are neither part of a sphere nor part of a cylinder. Conventional or non-aspheric lenses have the same curve across their entire surface, like a ping-pong ball. Aspheric lenses accomplish the same amount of refraction but are flatter and slimmer. This technology produces a tighter, more coherent beam in our DPSS-100-SP unit. < 0.75 mrad.

DPSS-100-SP Green Laser Diode Assembly

Select A Product - See Matching Photo Gallery 1 - 4 5 +  
DPSS-100, > 100 mW Green Laser Module, 1 pc $119 $115
DPSS-100-SP, > 100 mW, < 1mrad, Aspheric Lens, 1 pc $139 $135
DPSS-50, > 50 mW Green Laser Module, 1 pc $69 $65
DPSS-75, > 75 mW Green Laser Module, 1 pc $89 $85
HS-1a, Laser Module Heat Sink, 1 pc $20 $15
  • Aperture to PCB
    33 mm x 12 mm

    Aperture AND PCB
    50 mm x 12 mm

  • 100 mm Pigtail Leads for Power Supply
  • Includes Power Meter Report
  • Add Heat Sink for Extended Length Operation
  • Wavelength (Color) - 532 nm (Green)
  • Output Power - > 50mW, 75mW, 100 mW
  • Output Mode - Constant Wave
  • Beam Divergence - < 1.5mrad
    [DPSS-100-SP, 0.75mrad]
  • Diode Circuit Type - Automatic Current Control (ACC)
  • Optimum Operating Temp - 15C° ~ 35C°
  • Operating Voltage - 3VDC
  • Current Draw - < 650 mA
  • Safety Class - FDA Class IIIb / ANSI Class 3B
  • Product Warranty - 1 Year

We accept product Purchase Orders from the U.S Defense Dept. / U.S. Armed Services and approved Defense Contractors and Distributors. Please include contact name and e-mail address with faxed PO Documents; e-mailed PO's in Word or Adobe .pdf format.

Please Fax Purchase Orders to : (603) 386 - 6644
E-Mail Purchase Order Documents

Billing Address:

Beam of Light Technologies, Inc.
Attn: Karen Mueller
10117 SE Sunnyside Rd, Ste F, MB 324
Clackamas, Oregon, 97015, US